Friday, September 30, 2011

Free Software - Keyscrambler - Anti-Keylogger

Keyscrambler is a free software that encrypts the keys you type on your keyboard at the driver lever and keyloggers may log it but it will be a bunch of jibberish like (ldg'sdL{";" instead of whatever you typed. It uses symmetric encryption Blowfish 128-bit and asymmetric encryption of RSA 1024-bit. The free version only supports web browsing with the following browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and another (Not chrome). It's also easy to install and is well... free. Hope you enjoy!
Please be aware that The Internet's Garage, Myself, Blogger or anyone but, yourself is not liable nor responsible for anything that may happen from any tutorials, downloadable content, or anything you might find on this blog. You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for any actions you do. We do not endorse or do ads for anyone or anything. So yea.


Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Truth About Companies Like Tronix Country

Have you ever seen an ad for Tronix Country? Have they claimed that you can get a Laptop, Desktop or LCD TV even if you have bad or no credit, or only for a flexible payment plan? Well, if you think this is legit this is far from true. The saying said is if it's too good to be true, than it most likely is. Now are you asking for some evidence you say? There's plenty to tell you this company is not legit or fair:

1. Do you see an owners name or TOU ( Terms of Use ) or Privacy Policy on the front page?

2. Does it look like its just a bunch of pictures pasted on a background or look cheesy somehow?

3. False claims in the top left corner just repeating over and over again?

4. So your paying 29.99 a week for whatever you select and you get a free MP3 player, scanner/printer, Software, LCD TV and camcorder? That seems a little obvious.

5. Do you see a account registration page? Not, really all they seem to have is a login page.

This answer from Yahoo Answers:

Companies like Tronix Country and Blue Hippo may sell you a brand new desktop computer or laptop, but they offer little value. In reality, they prey on the consumer who is both mathematically and credit challenged.

A typical payment scheme is to pay tronix country 29.95 a week for 12 months. That is the same as 29.95 a week for 52 weeks, but they state it in a time period of 12 months because it sounds like much less money. 29.95 a month x 52 weeks = $1,600 before the shipping and handling fees they will add on.

This would be okay if they sent you a computer worth $1,600, but they ship a computer worth $400-$800.

Being that they are selling you a $400 computer for $1,600, you would be better off being a little more patient saving 29.95 a week for four months. After four months, you will have enough to purchase that $400 computer at Best Buy or Wal-Mart and would have saved over $1,200 if you purchased it through tronix country.

So be patient and realize you dont need the computer now! Save a little bit of money on your own over the next few months (one idea is to avoid eating out at mcdonalds or similar everyday for lunch - this adds up, or cancel your cable service) and you will save yourself thousands!


What else needs to convince you?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Batch: Taskkill All Anti-Virus Processes ( Turn off AV to download, may detect as AV-Killer )

Want a free, virus free AV process kill script? There is a batch script that you can download to automatically disable all AV's processes. Be aware when you download a file like this type it is going to probably activate you AV so turn it off for a few until it's saved. If it goes and warns you all it is going to be is listed under AV-Killer or something similar. Is it virus free? Yes it is it's a simple batch script, you can look at the source by right-clicking it and clicking Edit and viewing the source (if you know batch). You can see what and how many AV's detect this file as AV-Kill by clicking Virus Test at the bottom of this post. Disclaimer:
Please be aware that The Internet's Garage, Myself, Blogger or anyone but, yourself is not liable nor responsible for anything that may happen from any tutorials, downloadable content, or anything you might find on this blog. You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for any actions you do. If you have any questions about this tutorial please comment below, I will be glad to answer your question the best I can.

VBScript: How to make your computer speak

Step 1. Open Notepad, you can do this by clicking the Start button and it should appear in the list

2. Once Notepad is open type in the following or copy and paste it:

strText = "whatever you want it to say"
Set objVoice = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")
objVoice.Speak strText

3. Click File in the top left corner and then click Save As... and it should open a window you want to save it as whatevername.vbs, then change the File Type from Text to All Files as shown 2d yellow arrow and 3rd arrow click Save.

4. FIN Double-click the file and it should start speaking. Disclaimer:
Please be aware that The Internet's Garage, Myself, Blogger or anyone but, yourself is not liable nor responsible for anything that may happen from any tutorials, downloadable content, or anything you might find on this blog. You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for any actions you do. If you have any questions about this tutorial please comment below, I will be glad to answer your question the best I can.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cracking Tutorial: Get into someone's account

Have you ever wanted to get revenge on someone or just want to learn how to do this in-case such a thing happens? Luck for you this is a technique called using your noodle. (noodle=head) Here's how you can get into anyone's account:

1. Find out their email, phone number, username (if possible) or any information you can get a hold of. This is called "doxing" or in other words if you have not noticed yet, learning about the specific person to get into their account.

2. Let's say the user has a Hotmail account right? If so then go to to get to the login page. Once you are there click the Forgot Password? link. Should look like this:

3. Once you have clicked the link you want to click the radio button that says "I forgot my password" and a link under that should appear in blue with the following text "Reset your password".

4.  After you have clicked the link enter the victim's email address into the text box and fill out the captcha. (I'm using a random email I found on Google)then click next
5. Your options may vary depending on how the person set their account up, generally they have a security question or backup email, but in this case your going to click the radio button that says "Security Question" and a text box will appear under the text. If you remember this is where you can use the information you have to  provide you with the appropriate answer or material depending on the option. If not get the info by acting normal and like asking the person " Did you ever have a pet?" (FOR EXAMPLE) and you can possibly get the answer in other words don't ask out of no where "What's you pets first name?" this may work but not likely. Good luck.
Please be aware that The Internet's Garage, Myself, Blogger or anyone but, yourself is not liable nor responsible for anything that may happen from any tutorials, downloadable content, or anything you might find on this blog. You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for any actions you do. If you have any questions about this tutorial please comment below, I will be glad to answer your question the best I can.